Apr 22, 2023Liked by Eric Capuano

I'm currently going through SANS Bachelor's Program and I agree that the caliber of instruction is magnificent.

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I'm sure it's fantastic.Jaw-droppingly, eye-wateringly, infuriatingly expensive, though, as is everything they offer. I'm clenching my jaw just thinking about it.

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Hello Eric,

The SOC analyst series is excellent! I'm about halfway through it. I was wondering, for when I'm done, if I wanted to describe the things I did in it for my resume, what exactly would I say in those 2-3 lines? Thanks in advance!


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Hello Eric, Do you have a class where you train folks from start to finish until they land the job? Thanks

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Funny you should ask. I am working on just such a thing :) Stay tuned to the blog for updates.

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Any updates on this?

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It'll be a bit before we publish details, but we're targeting next year.

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Have you published details yet?

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Sorry, not yet for a live online course... We do have a couple related courses coming up though, one at Blackhat (closely related to this blog series content) and one at WWHF (threat hunting with Velociraptor).



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Jul 22·edited Jul 22

Hey Eric! I hope you see this. Thank you for this lab but I'm having trouble at the setup attack system step in part 1. I enter the command ssh user@[Linux_VM_IP] and then say yes to add it. But my password says permission denied. Ive restarted the entire Ubuntu process twice and tried making a new pass but still no luck. I don't think im using the wrong IP address so idk what's wrong. Is it the Static IP with the /24 on it? Thanks!

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Can this lab set up work on M2 mac pro also can use VMware Fusion Pro 13 Mac OS to set up this lab?

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Sadly, no. The VMs used in this guide require x86/64 processors.

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I have a mac M1 and just wanted to know if this lab is possible to do with my system? I really want to do it, but unfortunately I don't have a windows computer.

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Sadly I do not think this lab will work on an M1... These VMs expect an x86/x64 processor.

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So using parallels won't work? Great post either way.

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Correct. Even with parallels, you can only virtualize ARM-based OSes which these are not. That's not to say it can't be done with ARM OSes, but this guide doesn't follow those steps -- you'd have to venture out and give it a shot.

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I'll give it a try. Thank you for responding.

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It could be on a Linux host, I assume.

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